The Solid Waste Authority does not offer trash collection services.You can arrange for door-to-door or commercial / container service by contacting one of the following private companies that are regulated by the West Virginia Public Service Commission:
Grant County
Hott Disposal Service (304)902-4032 - serves entire county below mountaintop.
Envirco (304) 897-6060 - serves entire county below mountaintop.
Sunrise Sanitation (800) 645-4886 - serves mountaintop.
Hampshire County
Apple Valley Waste (304)724-1834 or 1-877-267-1280 - serves entire county.
Hardy County
Envirco (304) 897-6060 - serves entire county.
Mineral County
Knobley Mountain Hauling (304) 738-1602 - serves Frankfort District.
Apple Valley Waste (304)724-1834 or 1-877-267-1280 - serves entire county except Frankfort District.
Pendleton County
Robert O. Peer (304) 249-5266 - serves south and eastern portion of county.
North Fork Disposal Service (304) 567-3246 - serves north and western portion of county.
Municipal Collection - Franklin, Petersburg, Piedmont.
Region VIII Solid Waste Authority